Day 194: 14th Jan, 2010

Another of this witty prof statements today. Our SCM prof caught one of the students sleeping and told him - "Please go wash your face and come. If you will be sleepy, you will induce sleeping in your neighbours as well. Only studies will not get induced amongst you all" :D

During the previous sem, Shreyas used to kill time and nurture his grey matter by coming up with anagrams for names of people. For samplers, sec B people reading this, try figuring out who are 'HIS JAM RAN RASH', 'I IN TAJ A DAY', 'BRAINS' :-p . Anyways, he was regretting that he had run out of names and consequently had nothing to do. So I came to his rescue and gave him the task of coming up with AB dialogues. Somewhere along, we also started listing AB movies. Definitely took all the lecture time quickly. Lecture ended with a grand altercation between Sudesh and Kans over attendance :D

Had pizza for lunch - Sarin's treat for his engagement! Topic revolved a bit around a similar theme ;-)

Saw Invictus in the evening. It's a movie based on the time when Nelson Mandela was just elected as the president. A nice watch, I recommend. The title of the movie, however, is also the title of a poem by W.E. Henley. The poem is one of the finest I have read. Do check it out at


JD said...

Sudesh would like you to elaborate on the "altercation", as you so heartlessly name the battle she waged for the collective dignity and pride of our class. The pain and trauma, and the unfairness of it all deserves more than just a line, methinks :P And for the record, the &%^$%*@! started it.

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