Day 139: 14th Nov, 2009

What a paper DWO was. It is already such a globe subject and the questions only amplified this nature of it. All about setting yourself some 5-6 arbitary keywords and reusing them again and again and again. Squeezed more out of those words than what a sugarcane machine can squeeze out of one sugarcane.

'My friend's' paper tomorrow - MANAC. MANAC 2 is such a wrong subject to be the last paper :-S. Even less mood to study. Played TT after lunch. Then slept. Then blogged. Finally took my books and went to Saurabh's room to study.

The highlight of course was when myself and Shreyas were studying in the mess. And then Shreyas the bond was explaining a whole group on how to solve a particular sum :-p . Sometimes, sum times change :-p


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