Day 138: 13th Nov, 2009

My sleep saga has no end. This phenomenon of unforced extra sleep is a sure fixture in atleast one paper. This time the opportunity cost involved eco. Slept off at 11pm and woke up straight at around 8.15am :-O . Thankfully for me, the respite was that it was one of the easier papers we saw this term. Not just in relative terms (which wasn't too difficult to achieve given the other papers) but also in absolute terms. Post exam analysis revealed that the ENTIRE paper was an EXACT COPY of last year's paper :-S . And then he cuts our marks for copying in assignments :-)

First time this semester that we spent time doing random tp. Afterall, DWO tomorrow. Although it has maximum syllabus, the very thought of going in its vicinity is sleep provoking :-S . We were treated to enlightening facts about RBI and Air India by Pills. The 'proud-of-being-an-AirIndia-frequent flyer' literally has the timetable of AI flights by heart :D . Not to undermine Riza's stories about Bangalore's uncovered under-bridges and the plight of the people when a train passes above :-p

Played some TT post dinner. Although at best an average player, I do take TT a little seriously in a weird sort of way when it comes to improving myself. My game has improved a little. Very little though. Lots more to achieve in terms of reduction of unforced errors.

Came to my room and finally was about to start studying when Dhamdhere called me to the mess. There I go again. DWO... so long...


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