Day 29: 19th July, 2009

For all my tall claims made in the past 2-3 posts about having a hectic week ahead, I surprisingly seem to be having pretty relaxing days. Luckily my graph of 'waking up time' v/s weekends showed a downward turn today and stabilised back at 11.30, thanks to which I was able to have lunch at the mess today.

I had earlier mentioned the Prayaas case study on child labor. We had met around 3 times before for generating ideas/content/structure... something! But nothing productive happened. Today however was the last date for submission of the report. And guess what - we met at 23.10 ... and finished the report - 7 pages of it! - and mailed it exactly at 23:59:59 :D :D . JIT application anyone? :-p Couldn't have optimised the time spent any more :D


Jay said...

u met the deadline!!

I am surprised!!!

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