Day 2: 21st June, 2009

A Sunday. Realised that when the sun rises, the rays directly fall on my face from the window :D And boy, the sun does rise early here! Woke up at 6, then 7, then 8, then 8.30 finally :-p. Quite a lazy day, nothing much happened. Breakfast, lunch, snacks during the day - the breaks spent relaxing at the room or roaming around the campus a little. The paths are still confusing. Need to ask people around whenever I need to go anywhere - even for my own hostel :-p.

Saw the Computer Centre. Saw the library. Saw the classrooms. Met some more acquaintances. Made some acquaintances! More or less just sight seeing happening. Yet to see a good looking girl though :-( ... which for an average guy pretty much negates all the above mentioned things :-p.

BTW, today also cleaned my room cupboard. Unpacking progessed to higher degree. Clothes and all arranged a bit.

PS: I didn't mention taking a bath anywhere. :-p


Unknown said...

Its stinkinnnnn out here !!!:D:D:D....

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