Day 392: 14th Oct, 2010

Had a quiz at 7.45am! Trust me, it is mentally more intimidating than 8am :-p . Yesterday, as I said, had such an awesome dinner that I immediately slept off after coming back. I thought I'll probably spend a few minutes reading up early morning, but managed to wake up just in time to give the quiz. How it went is beyond the scope of this post :-) . The good thing is that it is a best two out of four system for this subject; so there is still a next time :D

One of the problems of being in a system/environment with many like-minded people is that it distorts or at least narrows your perception of reality. Generally having been in the company of nice people, I often expect people to be honest, open and frank. That is why I just cannot understand at times the kind of life some other people lead. Today we had to meet a guy for some INDEX fair work. So, Vanki, Ashat, TG and myself went all the way to a place near the airport. And the man we met really seemed to be one who promises to build castles on a foundation of air. And when the foundation seems to be a little shaky, the castle becomes a slum :-p . Seems like I wrote something pretty difficult to decipher, but I'll know what I meant. 

Took 3 whole hours. And we seem to have wasted that time! :-S . Nothing productive seems to have come out. Except for one idea. If that works out, I'll forgive him :-p

Came back only at 3am. Was pretty sleepy in the car, but not sleepy now. Have just been randomly browsing stuff. Watching videos of Milgram experiment (Very interesting! Check out on YouTube. It's just beyond 5 am now. I guess I'll go get some sleep, lest I sleep through the afternoon class tomorrow.


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