Day 281: 17th Jun, 2010

Had an interesting exercise in team building today. A fictitious situation - a group of people were trapped inside a cave and rescue operations were happening such that only one person could be brought out every hour. Meanwhile, the cave was getting filled up with water and there was a high chance of a cave-in, killing all those still trapped inside.

A brief write up about every participant was provided. What we were supposed to do is try and come up with a ranking - an order of priority in which the participants would be brought out.

Quite interesting. So many perspectives even within one team. And across teams - there were still more differences. Arising out of the various approaches adopted by different teams. And all this even though the basic parameters employed by the teams turned out to be similar.

What we learnt finally, is that even though we consciously avoid NOT to make assumptions, we still somehow end up doing so. Just like I am assuming there are readers of this blog even now :-p . LOL.


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