Day 231: 20th Feb, 2010

I remember, back when I was an engineering student, MSN Messenger was the Instant Messaging Client to be used. The whole of college used to be on it. Endless hours of chatting, emoticons, group chats, winks, nudges, custom emoticons, audibles and so on.

Cut back to now. MSN has been replaced by the super bland gTalk; Mainly retaining its supremacy as it is built inside gmail. And it's now the de-facto communication medium on campus. Yesterday I was chatting with a friend inquiring if a few of my friends would be free. The reply - they are idle. And idle as in their gTalk status!

Speaking about gTalk statuses .. a whole article can be dedicated to that, but I'll stick to a para. People have their own styles with it. Some usually just stick with the default ones. A few others put up links that seemingly 'educate' others about topics that might range from gossip to science to philosophy. Many others (me included) just selfishly promote their blogs/flickr streams. Some enterprising ones risk putting up the links to fill up surveys, sometimes even hiding their motives under the tinyurl cover. We have Praveen who is in a different league altogether. Some witty remarks, some requests, some anguish, some nostalgia. And then some plain ones just calling for cooperation - like this one from Bala - "Nebody who has taken my toothpaste please return it to me.......All my wing mates depend on it ." LOL :D

PS: The day began comparatively early with an unexpected call on an unexpected event.. was caught up with some INDEX work.. lots and lots of LOST through the day.. season 3 is weird !


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