Day 104: 10th Oct, 2009

Spent a lot of time yesterday with the preparation of slots and all. Bloody thermocol just wouldn't stick to the wall. Anyways, finally got them in some place. iBrand'09 kicked off today! Some a few really creative posters and stuff.

Had extra lecs today- Saturday. One of the guys in our class - Karthik - started getting delusions that he was in the 1st year of school instead of B-school. No wonder, when the prof asked the class how we would write 'covariance', this guy loudly starts off with " 'C' ... 'O' ... 'V' ... ".

Had a huge TASk today. Biggggg form to be filled. It took unexpected amount of time to jot things down on the paper from the laptop. And I was also indulging in runtime improvements to the answers. Managed to submit it just on time.

Had a mock interview taken by an alum. I went dressed in formals and all. I basically wanted to get some idea of the questions I can expect. The fact that what happens eventually is something you never anticipate is a different issue. Anyways, one slightly funny and typically 'me' thing that happened:
Alum: So tell me, what are the major changing trends in consumers now?
Me: Blah blah .. population demographics are changing .. lots of youth ..
Alum: Oh, what do you mean by youth?
Me: Young people :D
Alum: Young as in? Any age group?
Me: Sir, maybe around 20-40 (so that he doesn't feel bad :p)
Alum: Is that the technical definition?
Me: (ok, a technical definition exists for youth) .. no Sir, my definition :D


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