Day 332: 7th Aug, 2010

Swam 6 laps at a stretch today :) . Have now become successful in implementing my own simpler version of the backstroke :-p 

The advantage of having attended multiple insti parties is that you start learning to enjoy yourself even in adverse conditions - this time defined by a hopeless DJ. But we just kept on going - we being Vats, Mandals, Vivek, RK, myself and a few others - right till the end! For me, it is as usual :) . The innovation this time around was the new act of forming a sitting circle on the dance floor and singing/shouting those old slow songs. We really wanted the DJ to take the hint :P, but also got a lot of audience attention ;-)

5am now. The sun rays aren't here yet. Will put myself to sleep now. Expecting a Volini week ahead :)


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