Day 411: 2nd Nov, 2010

Diwali's around! And supposedly, every Marwadi on this earth would somehow reach home that day. And to fulfil this prophecy, Pachpan went off to celebrate at home. Infact, yet another wingie, Chinki also left for his home! The good thing is that all of these people have to get some (a lot) :D of those Diwali sweets! :)

My room's under siege again :) . Don't really know how this phenomenon started :D . Our facchas - coding genius and creative genius, both came down and we got down to finishing quite a bit of some initial level work, for creatives as well as the website! Meanwhile, got the news that we have yet another project confirmed! Awesome! Had a small update meeting with the facchas tonight. Guess that will be a regular feature going forward!

The Summers process is more or less over now. And my batch PCommer friends are now ex-officio members :-) . That's what is meant by signing off in style!


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