Yo readers! First of all, wish you all a very Happy New Year ! Had a super short but nice stay back home.. caught up with family & friends, got a new cell, saw some movies, ate ate ate .. in short - timepass with no strings attached.
A pic I captured on my flight back.

New Innings
And now, it's back to helL! Its freezing out here now. Came back and setup my room. Every term, my bed cover and blanket gets washed once and my bed looks clean and uncluttered (once). Downloaded some 50 odd mails into outlook (and deleted most of them without a first glance). Went to the mess to have a little dinner. Completed the other ritual of buying an Aquafina bottle; the bottle will be used for the next 3 months. Did some banter with Ghate, Sudeshna, Shipra (+ Mr. X) outside Nescafe and finally went back with the intention of sleeping early at 10.30.
And now.. it is 1 am again.. and I am yet to sleep. Just a few hours since I am here and already the helL-effect is showing. woah!
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