Yoooo!! Am just another guy @ IIM Lucknow 2009-2011 batch. I intend to use this blog exclusively to keep track of what I will be doing here for these two years. May be some day, when I look back and read through all the stuff, I can refresh my memories and relive all the moments I spent :)
Day 211: 31st Jan, 2010
Day 210: 30th Jan, 2010 - Smart or Smarter?
Day 209: 29th Jan, 2010
Day 208: 28th Jan, 2010
Day 207: 27th Jan, 2010
Day 206: 26th Jan, 2010 - Happy Republic Day!
"Dear Students
Flag Hoisting and Republic Day Celebrations will begin at 9.00 am. You are all invited for the same. The venue is the area adjoing the badminton court and the students affairs centre."
9.00 am!! :O .. Wasn't it supposed to be at 9.30?!?!?!
I checked my watch. 8.55 .. mocked back the face of the watch.
So there I was, running once again at full speed. But I think this time I have more practice running to the lectures and so I did manage to reach the venue just in the nick of time. I landed at the venue at the exact same moment when our beautiful Tricolour was hoisted to flutter in glory :)
Day 205: 25th Jan, 2010
Day 204: 24th Jan, 2010 - AWESOME!
Day 203: 23rd Jan, 2010 - AWESOME!
Day 202: 22nd Jan, 2010 - Parikrama!

Day 201: 21st Jan, 2010 - Zero Visibility!
Day 200: 20th Jan, 2010
Day 199: 19th Jan, 2010
Day 198: 18th Jan, 2010 - One second!
Day 197: 17th Jan, 2010 - Nothingness
Day 196: 16th Jan, 2010 - INDEX '09 Results!
Day 195: 15th Jan, 2010
Day 194: 14th Jan, 2010
Day 193: 13th Jan, 2010 - Aal izz helL!
Day 192: 12th Jan, 2010 - Missing !
Day 191: 11th Jan, 2010 - Stay Foolish, Stay Hungry

Days 189,190: 9th-10th Jan, 2010
Day 188: 8th Jan, 2010
Day 187: 7th Jan, 2010 - One and half hrs = 5400 seconds!
Day 186: 6th Jan, 2010 - Finally, it happened!
Day 185: 5th Jan, 2010
Day 184: 4th Jan, 2010 - Term III starts !
Day 183: 3rd Jan, 2010

And now, it's back to helL! Its freezing out here now. Came back and setup my room. Every term, my bed cover and blanket gets washed once and my bed looks clean and uncluttered (once). Downloaded some 50 odd mails into outlook (and deleted most of them without a first glance). Went to the mess to have a little dinner. Completed the other ritual of buying an Aquafina bottle; the bottle will be used for the next 3 months. Did some banter with Ghate, Sudeshna, Shipra (+ Mr. X) outside Nescafe and finally went back with the intention of sleeping early at 10.30.