Day 136: 11th Nov, 2009

Had QAM today. The surprising thing was no one in my class knew the answer/approach to a few problems that were given in the class worksheet! :-| . The question paper was disappointing - one question on F-distribution and six marks worth of theory!! I guess the QAM dream run comes to an end here.

Had pizza for dinner. Am having too many pizzas lately :-| But this one was free as I am going to bill it as a part of Saurabh's Mckinsey party ;-)

The after effects of this heavy cheesy dinner was more daunting. Went to attend the FM remedials. I think I set a record of being the first person to sleep during remedials :-( . Nothing entered my head, except some silly equation to determine optimum cash balance. Went to the mess to study so that I have access to a continuous stream of tea. Even that wasn't helping much. I could probably have poured the hot tea on my head and still fallen asleep :-|

Luckily the yellow spectacled Fin God came along and took me to his study circle @ Aarti's room. That time turned out to be more productive and I finally managed to grasp a few concepts. I just hope the time value of knowledge does not depreciate before the next few hours :-)


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