Day 76: 4th Sep, 2009

Slept off yesterday after all that tp. So, bunked the lectures today to study for the Eco test. As usual, studied a little; and majorly ended up reading a lot of xkcd (check it out! nice dry and sarcastic humor based comic strip) and Calvin and Hobbes. Wondered if I had read anything at all when I saw the quiz paper, but then, never mind.

Got our ITC marks. I have not done well as expected. But the marking gave a STRONG indication that the current pattern of assessment needs a MAJOR revamp. Guys who have been using a lot of excel and are pretty proficient with it haven't really scored as much as they should have.

Played some pool. Gave a practice apti test....... Got a little delayed there. Tried working a little bit on the ITC assignment. Where can I get there though? Might just do good by not interfering. Had a meet after that. ABS Vanki didn't show up his a-s-s. Guessing Friday night fever.

Thought of going back to the lib to work on the ITC project. Laughed at myself inside my head. Back at my room :D.


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